Donnie Brown’s Guide to Hidden Fees: The Sequel!

Event planner Donnie Brown adds more food-for-thought for the budget-conscious bride.

  1. Overtime Fees. Remember there may be overtime charges for any of the vendors who plan on ending the event at a certain time. The photographer and videographer also may require a certain time window and charge for overtime at your event.
  2. Don’t forget to count up what you’ll spend on postage for invitations as well as for response cards, which must be pre-fixed before they are mailed to the recipient guest.
  3. Consider the consumption vs. the package bar. The former means that you’re charged for every drink served. The latter indicates an estimated charge and no additional costs if you go over. Be sure to check that wine service at the table is included in the package if you go that way.
  4. Wedding day accessory items. Easy to forget to work into your overall budget: the guestbook, pen, champagne flutes, cake knife and server, ring bearer pillow, flower girl basket, etc.

Posted by Susan at 12:27 p.m.

Our New Issue

If you haven’t already grabbed the May/June issue of Bridal Guide off the newsstands, don’t wait. The magazine is filled with so many gorgeous gowns, fantastic accessories, terrific planning advice and honeymoon news that I promise; your life will become a whole lot easier.


may-june cover

If you’re still searching for that perfect dress, look no further. We have a bevy of gowns that are sure to thrill from styles best suited for all you femme fatales:


femme fatale

…to enchanting dresses that effortlessly evoke the romance of the day.


Beware of Hidden Costs

The BG has been busy closing an issue, but here she takes a few minutes to pass along event planner Donnie Brown’s important tips on hidden costs. These are the things that jump out and bite you just when you think it’s safe to go back into the water.

The Most Commonly Overlooked Hidden Costs
Donnie Brown, Style Network star and author of Donnie Brown Weddings: From the Couture to the Cake.

  1. Service Charge and Gratuity for Catering Food and Beverage. This usually runs around 20–22% over the actual food and beverage cost. Must add tax for the pre-service charge amount on top of this as well.
  2. Valet Parking Fees. You don’t want your guests’ last memory of your wedding to be of reaching into their pocket to find cash to get their car.
  3. Gown and other Formalwear Alteration Fees. Just because you have purchased your gown doesn’t mean it is complete. There will be multiple fittings and each one comes with a cost. Ask the gown boutique in advance what the estimated alterations fees will be and factor this into your budget when making a decision on your gown. This goes for the mother’s attire, the attendants’ dresses and in some cases, the tuxedos.
  4. Cake-cutting Fees. Many venues require that you use their in-house pastry chef to create your wedding cake. If you choose to use an outside vendor, you may be looking at a cutting fee of anywhere from $2.50–$7.50 per person. This charge is designed to cover plates, flatware use and labor costs. Some venues that don’t have an in-house pastry chef still charge for this service.

MORE TO COME!! The BG has to get back to work!

Posted by Susan at 3:55 p.m.

Class Act

It’s been especially busy in the BG office this week as all of us editors work on “closing” the July/August issue that you’ll find on the newsstands May 18th. Yes, we work pretty far in advance! So in the midst of reading copy, approving layouts, and reading even more copy (fyi: after a story is designed and copy flowed onto the layout, it gets read, edited and re-edited several times) I took a little time to speak with 17 students from LIM (Laboratory Institute of Merchandising) College, located in mid-town Manhattan. Their professor and my good friend and all-around super lady, Ionia Dunn Lee, asked me to address her Field Trip class on what I do as Editor, as well as what’s new in the bridal and publishing industries. Fun! The class came up to the BG offices and settled into our conference room for my hour-long talk. (That’s Ionia in the chic dotted scarf with her students):

ionia and the students

And some other bright, lovely faces:


Upon Arrival

On the heels of Continental’s recent announcement that they are 86-ing those burgers and pork sandwiches in the main cabin comes some good news from the airline industry. (Insert the word finally underlined and capped here.) According to a recent report released by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics lost luggage incidents have decreased significantly from last month. Yips! Pips! And to make matters even better, less than one percent of all lost bags are actually permanently lost. Finally something to make those friendly skies a little brighter.

Happy Trails.

Travel Tip: Place a business card or two in your checked suitcase.
That way if a bag tag gets mangled or worse—lost—your luggage can easily be identified.

Posted by Jenna at 5:18 p.m.

Chalk It Up to Fun

Guest Blogger: Christina Laurenti

Chalk It Up to Fun

Chalk-a-Doodle by O.R.E. Originals adds a new twist to writing on the blackboard. This product brings back childhood memories, hopefully good ones…not of you writing something on the blackboard one thousand times. The collection consists of placemats (which you can mount on the wall!) and coasters (set of 4) that can serve for table assignments at your wedding or as part of your wedding favors.


chalk-a-doodle coasters

Aimée’s adorable two-year-old, Molly, had a blast drawing on the placement that was mounted on her apartment’s wall. Although chalkboards may seem “childish,” just think how cute a little bottle of wine would be wrapped with a coaster for your wedding guests! Or if you're feeling crafty, punch a hole through a coaster and tie it on the bottle with raffia! I give these creative products an A+ for fun yet functional! You can check out these products and purchase directly through Paper-Source! Want to be a teacher’s pet? Grab one of these just in time for Teacher Appreciation Day on May 4th!


Wedding Location Spotlight: The Desmond Tutu Center in New York City

A while ago I attended a press event at The Desmond Tutu Center, and the one thing we all noticed was how great this place would be for a wedding. The historic 19th century Gothic architecture and beautifully landscaped grounds provide the perfect backdrop for wedding pictures:

exterior of the desmond tutu center

exterior of the desmond tutu center

In addition to the beautiful setting, they provide catering and give you the option of having an indoor or outdoor affair. When we walked into the Refectory for lunch I was blown away by the size and deocrative details of the room. The stained glass, the woodwork and the giant fireplace definitely transported me to a different time. It actually kind of reminded me of the Hogwarts dining hall in the Harry Potter movies. Here are a few photos of this impressive space:

Picture Perfect

Isn’t love grand? Whenever I’ve gone to a wedding I can’t help but be affected by the couple’s vows of love and their hopes and dreams for the future. The beautiful bride glows with an inner radiance and the groom is equally joyful.

Seems like I’m not the only one touched by the magical effect of a bride and groom. I received a letter and a photo from Ms. Hanan Alhaddi of Dearborn, Michigan, recently. She was in Paris several months ago analyzing the structure of the Eiffel Tower (she’s an engineer) when she suddenly looked up to see a bride and groom standing before her. Here’s what she wrote:

“I sensed a genuine glimpse of hope and joy. I pointed to my camera asking for a permission to take a photo. The bride did not know me, yet she stopped, looked at my camera, and smiled. I captured my moment. Her face was one that I did not know but will never forget. Her willingness to share her happiness with me (a stranger) was enchanting. It was the charming spirit of a bride. It would be delightful if this photo finds a home in your magazine, but if not, I know it will always have a home in me.”

a happy bride


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