
Recently, I was introduced to a fun, ingenious and inspiring new product…the SequentialT. Now, I know you’re asking the same thing I did when I first heard the name…what does that mean? Well, I soon found out that this isn’t just any T-shirt. In fact, the SequentialT, created by husband-and-wife entrepreneurs, Tracy Howe and Peter Kraft, was designed to be a one-of-a-kind, truly unique item that not only links its wearers through sequentially numbered (hence, the name) shirts but is also focused on being socially responsible. (Yay! Love that!) It’s a combination social network and charity: Part of the proceeds for every shirt purchased is donated to a charity of the buyer’s choice. How cool is that?!

And for anyone planning a wedding, the $29 SequentialT is perfect. Brides and grooms can go to sequentialt.com and set up their own page (for free).

You’ll see that the shirt’s tag discreetly states your name and date of the wedding (time-stamped for posterity!) and you can create your own personal message on the tag. The large number above the flag indicates the amount of SequentialTs already issued throughout the world. The smaller number below the flag tells the amount of Ts purchased worldwide with that country’s flag. So, even though you’ll have your very own number on your T-shirt you’ll still be connected to others wearing the same flag on their T.

The flag choice, of course, is yours to make. You can select a flag of the country you’re marrying in, or perhaps the groom’s side wears the flag that celebrates his heritage (Ireland) while your side wears the flag of your heritage (Puerto Rico). Or, you may all decide to patriotically wear the Stars and Stripes.

I love this idea as a favor or as a gift for your wedding party. Spread the joy at the rehearsal dinner, after party, bachelorette party or make it part of the gift basket at a destination wedding. And, if you’re planning a wedding weekend, why not encourage guests to purchase a SequentialT to wear to your barbecue, clambake, picnic or any outdoor activity you’re arranging. On your own wedding website you can put a link to your sequentialt.com page so friends and family can visit and order their own.

You’ll all be connected and feel great knowing that a charity of your choice will benefit. Getting and staying connected, giving back…what better way is there to celebrate a day that’s filled with family, friends and love.