Style Doesn't Cost a Thing

The Budget Guru takes a bit of a detour today to rave about a gorgeous new book by the fashion designer Rebecca Moses called A Life of Style. Why do I like it? Not only is it utterly charming, illustrated by the author herself, but it contains wisdom that any bride who’s trying to plan a stylish wedding can use.

For example, Rebecca says that style isn’t about money. "Great style makers mix the disposable with the luxurious… You can get the desired effect at every price… The art is in choosing well." Your personal style, which is all about the inner true you, can carry off a $500 wedding dress just as well as one that goes for $5000! What’s not to like about that? So as you plan your wedding, stress less about fancy-shmancy appearances and more about who you really are, the people you love and the things you love to do, your favorite colors, your favorite music, your favorite item of clothing. Is your favorite color from childhood lavender? Well, there’s the basis of your color scheme—and color doesn’t cost a thing!

Oh, and don’t try to be perfect—“Embrace imperfection: It’s the imperfections that make the charm. Develop your uniqueness as a powerful signature.” Thank you, Rebecca.