Worth It?

How about a sneak peek at an article from our September/October 2010 issue? It’s called “Real Brides: Best and Worst Buys.” For this story, we collected true confessions from real brides just like you about what was worth the splurge—and what was definitely not. Take a look at a few morsels that I didn’t have space for in the magazine (for the rest, pick up the Sept/Oct issue!)

“I realized I could have saved a ton of money if I’d booked my wedding on a Friday night instead of a Saturday night. My Saturday night reservation came to $4,500, whereas if I’d gone with Friday, or even Sunday during the day, we could have had the same space for about $2,000. I was certain that I had to have my wedding on a Saturday evening, but in retrospect I’m sure we could have done it at another time for less money and had just as good a time. You really do have to be flexible if you want to cut costs.”

“My sister’s old boyfriend from film school did the videography, and we paid a pittance. But it wasn’t worth it, because the video we got was so ‘artistic’ you could hardly tell what it was. We should have paid more for something straightforward and professionally

“Our honeymoon was money well spent! Especially because even though we’d booked a basic reservation, the hotel automatically upgraded us to a nicer room.”