Flash Mob Wedding!

Flash mobs, although becoming increasingly popular, are still a new concept. And how you ask does this random burst of synchronized motion have to do with weddings? Well, recently a Boston couple wed in this fashion. Many people have alternative weddings; however, this is the most unique I’ve ever seen.

The Kleimans are anything but typical. On their first date Caroline said to Jon, “You should probably just propose to me.” Jon responded immediately with a proposal and paper ring! For their wedding location, they chose the Prudential Center and for the ceremony, flash mob. The guests were also the participants and learned the moves along with the bride and groom. Watch a clip!

Here’s why they chose this wedding style:

“We think that life and weddings should be fun so the whole idea was to bring our friends together and share a wacky fun moment together.”

--Samantha Corbin